During the week most of our time at the office or at home is spend indoors. Therefore, let’s get out there during the evenings, weekends and holidays and take in the outdoor living lifestyle with every chance we get. A great opportunity to leave the office routine and rushed life for what it is. Slow down and enjoy. Outdoor living is there for everyone. Whether you prefer to travel with minimal luggage and a backpack or go glamping in a luxurious pre-set tent, with the products from our outdoor living selection it will always be a party.
Outdoor living also includes cooking outdoors. And yes, that is fun to do on a BBQ, but cooking on a campfire is even more cool. You do need the right outdoor cooking equipment for that, and you can find them in our Outdoor Cooking category. Think of Dutch Ovens and skillets, cool cast iron pans that you can put directly in the fire. The thick cast iron conducts heat very well and does not stick making cooking on fire a breeze. You can also put burning briquettes on the lids of a Dutch oven, turning it into a mini oven in which you can prepare bread and pastries.
For rougher fire cooking, Petromax has a tripod, campfire bridge, campfire stand and fire bowls. With this you can turn your campfire into a multifunctional outdoor kitchen. Barebones makes it super easy with the cowboy grill, this multi-cooking station offers fiery fun and comfort. Do you prefer sweets? With a poffertjes pan, waffle iron or muffin pan you become a flaming pastry chef.
Whether you roll out of your tent early in the morning or sit around the campfire late at night, with our outdoor drinking items you can grab a strong cup of coffee, tea or Irish coffee straight from the fire pit. We have great mugs that also show that you take BBQ seriously. Coffee and tea, roasted and packed in jail, from Zuivere Koffie let you enjoy the outdoors while the makers must stay inside for a while.
But to cook outside, you must first make a good campfire. We have all the gear for that at Smokey Goodness. From the incredibly beautiful Barebones axes to the smart kindling cracker that allows you to split wood safely and quickly. Check them all out in our wood chopping and gardening category.